Art, History and Tradition
If you are interested in Transylvania’s customs, legends, beliefs and superstitions, you enjoy getting acquainted with a place through a longer period of time and you like to get in contact with the genuine peasant culture by exploring rural areas, outdoor festivals, the houses of famous artists, craftsmen and museums or landscapes made famous in literature our Cultural Tours are the perfect choice for you.
Cultural tour of Northern Transylvania
Budapest (Hungary) departure
(tour code: Hu3.1RoCu)
8 day tour, HB from US$ 2084*/ £ 1171*/ CA$ 2229*/ AU$ 2511*/ € 1439.
We invite you to Live Transylvania in all senses: see its traditions and Castles, feel its passion, hear its songs, taste its food, shake the hand of its craftsmen, and imagine its magic character.
You will find yourself in the very place where Bram Stoker's novel and Coppola's films placed Dracula's castle.
You will experience all that
you've been told in novels and films about Transylvania...Live. more »
(tour code: Hu3.2RoCu)
8 day tour, HB from US$ 2084*/ £ 1171*/ CA$ 2229*/ AU$ 2511*/ € 1439
Transylvania was named Siebenburgen (seven boroughs) because of the first boroughs built by the Saxons in the area. Boroughs and fortified churches had been built all along the middle ages, some of them existing even nowadays: Alba Iulia, Sibiu, Biertan, Sighisoara, Brasov, and Bran. In the streets of these cities, designed for carriages and coaches, true live museums - you will find the atmosphere of romances and vampire tales. more »